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Broadcaster, author and cultural campaigner, Loyd Grossman has been appointed RSA Chair

LOYD GROSSMAN has been appointed to lead the Board of Trustees at the Royal Society of Arts. He will take up his post in October, succeeding TIM EYLES, who has been Chair since 2018. 

A noted broadcaster, author and cultural campaigner, Grossman has served on the boards of several heritage and cultural organisations.

Last month, he stepped down as Chair of the Actors Benevolent Fund after four months, saying he was unable to commit enough time to the role. He also recently concluded his terms as Chair of both The Royal Parks and Gresham College.  

Among his many appointments, Grosman has been a commissioner for the Museums and Galleries Commission, English Heritage and the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. He was a founding member of the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, Chairman of National Museums Liverpool, and Deputy Chairman of Liverpool European Capital of Culture.  

Grossman, said: "I am delighted to have been appointed Chair of the RSA at such an exciting time in its 270-year history. I share the RSA’s commitment to a new Enlightenment. A new Enlightenment which prizes and promotes the value of knowledge widely and freely spread; discussion and debate without fear; toleration; belief in human goodness; and the feeling that progress can be spiritual, cultural and material.  

“These values are in the RSA’s DNA. It has done tremendous good and can be an even greater force for good, blessed as it is with an incomparable heritage, a large and varied Fellowship and an international outlook.” 

ANDY HALDANE, Chief Executive of the RSA, said: "Loyd combines an outstanding commitment to cultural heritage with a proven track record of financial acuity, political skill and commercial innovation to deliver public good."