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A headshot of Nazir Afzal
Nazir is Chancellor of The University of Manchester

NAZIR AFZAL is to become Chair of The Lowry in Salford from this December as Sir ROD ALDRIDGE steps down after 17 years in the post. Afzal has been a Lowry trustee since 2023.

Former Chief Crown Prosecutor for North West England and Chief Executive of the UK’s Police & Crime Commissioners, Nazir is currently Chancellor of the University of Manchester.

He is also Chair of the Catholic Church Safeguarding Standards Agency, a trustee of the WOW (Women of the World) Foundation, and Patron of several NGOs that support crime victims. 
Speaking of his appointment, Afzal said: “What drew me to The Lowry is the innate sense of belonging it instils in the people that walk through its doors. I am blown away by the impact that The Lowry has on local communities and believe wholeheartedly in its potential to take this even further. 

“My driving ambition as Chair is to find ways for even more people to experience that feeling of community.”

 The Lowry's Chief Executive, JULIA FAWCETT, said the organisation was “thrilled” Afzal would be stepping into the role of Chair after his “fantastic contribution” to the board as a trustee. 

“His lifelong advocacy for vulnerable and neglected communities aligns with our own mission to empower underserved and excluded people from all backgrounds to experience culture, creativity and connection on their own terms,” she said.
Outgoing Chair Aldridge added: “The Lowry has brought me so much joy over the years. To see the economic, social and personal impact that The Lowry has generated go from strength to strength, particularly given the challenging funding environment we face, has been astonishing.

“ I look forward to watching the institution continue to grow and wish Nazir all the best as the next Chair of this inspirational place.”

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