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Headshot of Bec Martin

BEC MARTIN, Artistic Director of the New Diorama Theatre (NDT) in London, is to step down after only eight months in post, citing "different visions and approaches for the direction of NDT" between herself and the board. 

She will depart at the end of this month.

On its website, the theatre said: "The Board would like to thank Bec for her contribution to NDT during her tenure as Artistic Director & CEO, especially in programming new and exciting artists and introducing a new audience to the work of NDT... We wish Bec all the best in her future endeavours." 

Martin commented: "I am privileged to have had the opportunity to work at New Diorama Theatre. Ultimately, the Board and I had different visions and approaches for the direction of NDT. I am pleased to have contributed to the work in some small way with the support of the talented team."