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Four senior roles at Stockton Globe have been filled by ALICE TONES, ANDREW LEWIS, STEVIE TOLMIE and PETER SAVAGE.

Ambassador Theatre Group (ATG) has appointed Savage, a member of Stockton Borough Council's events team, as Operations Manager. Savage worked for Stockton ARC for 10 years and was formerly Venue Manager of the Georgian Theatre.

Tones is Events Manager. As an ATG trainee in 2018, she has worked in several of the company's venues. She has been in the role since July.

New Head of Food and Beverage Lewis has worked in hospitality for more than 20 years, including as Food and Beverage Manager at York Barbican.

Tolmie joins from building company Wilmot Dixon, where he worked on restoring the Globe. He will be the new Maintenance Supervisor.