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A headshot of Emma Smith
Emma Smith is Professor of Shakespeare Studies at Hertford College, Oxford.

Sam Hardwick

Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) has announced that EMMA SMITH will join its board. 

Professor of Shakespeare Studies at Hertford College, Oxford, Smith is also the author of several books and General Editor for the Oxford World’s Classics Shakespeare. 

She was named an RSC Associate Scholar in 2021. She co-chaired the theatre's Expert Research Group for its Time To Act project, which aims to offer insights into the impact arts learning has on young people’s language development and confidence.

“I am absolutely chuffed and honoured to be joining the RSC board at such an exciting and dynamic time for the company,” said Smith. “I really look forward to lending my support to its ambitious programme and to learning more about all its activities, on and off stage.”
RSC Chair SHRITI VADERA added: "Emma is one of the UK's leading Shakespeare scholars and has been helping us make our house playwright’s work accessible to audiences and participants of all ages for many years. We are absolutely delighted she has agreed to join our board.”