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A headshot of Lilli Geissendorfer
Geissendorfer is a former Director of Jerwood Arts

LILLI GEISSENDORFER will become the first director of Theatre Green Book UK in September.

A grassroots initiative, Theatre Green Book offers common standards for sustainable theatre across all areas of theatre practice and operation and launched its second edition earlier this year.

Geissendorfer is a former Director of Jerwood Arts, now known as the Jerwood Foundation, and was most recently Deputy Director of the AHRC-funded Creative Policy and Evidence Centre.

As Theatre Green Book Director, she will be tasked with building on the book's success and taking it onto its next development stage. The role has been created following funding from Arts Council England, along with support from The Foyle Foundation.

“I have been so inspired by the extraordinary work happening across theatre and performing arts to reckon with the climate crisis over recent years,” Geissendorfer said. “Joining Theatre Green Book at this moment I’m full of excitement and determination, and look forward to collaborating widely to put net zero in sight.”

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