My Gurus
Jeremy Herrin, Artistic Director of Headlong, explains who has inspired him most.
John Harrison
I went to a traditional public school and was miserable until I met a teacher called John Harrison. His humanity was rare in such a conservative environment, and he had established a busy theatre that connected the closed all-male school with the local community. I spent as much time there as I could. When I was disappointed not to have a bigger part in some play or other, John observed that what I really wanted to be was a Director. He said I could direct anything I wanted: I think I tested his patience when I chose my own adaptation of ‘Woyzeck’. I immediately knew what I wanted to do with my life and have only regretted it two or three times a year. I am aware that well-resourced educational privilege is something that not everyone is afforded. As a firm believer in comprehensive education, I despair at how the arts are undervalued and increasingly unsupported. All children should have access to the arts and the chance to be inspired by a teacher as good as John Harrison.
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