Photo: Rhododentrites/Creative Commons
Michael Sheen to lead new national theatre for Wales
Announcement follows the closure of National Theatre of Wales last month after it lost public funding from Arts Council of Wales.
A new national theatre for Wales will be established by actor Michael Sheen following the closure of National Theatre of Wales last month.
Sheen said he intends to be artistic director of Welsh National Theatre, with the aim of telling “big stories on big stages for big audiences”.
The actor, who will perform in the first production scheduled for autumn 2026, said that while he is seeking private and public funding, self-financing it initially will allow it to stand “on its own two feet”.
The announcement follows the closure of National Theatre of Wales (NTW) last month. Founded in 2009 and supported by Arts Council Wales until 2023, NTW was one of 81 creative organisations dropped from the funder’s latest portfolio, losing all its £1.6m annual investment.
The organisation has said it will “evolve” into TEAM (Theatre, Engagement, Music, Arts), focussing exclusively on creative community engagement.
‘Welsh stories by Welsh people’
Sheen said he hopes Welsh National theatre can fill the gap left by NTW, adding that he is putting “everything behind” the venture.
“[I realised] if we don’t find a way to reimagine the way forward, it may be a long time – if ever – that we have the opportunity to have a national theatre in Wales again,” Sheen told the BBC.
“I want to tell Welsh stories, by Welsh people, for Welsh people, and then take that out to the world,”
“I don’t want this to be something that’s going on in little niche corners, with a few people. I want this to be big and popular and appeal to the greatest number of people.”
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