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Department for Digital Media and Sport Select Committee will hold an evidence session with Arts Council England's Chief Executive Darren Henley next week.

Arts Council England Chief Executive Darren Henley

UK Parliament

Controversial funding decisions made by Arts Council England (ACE) for its next National Portfolio are to be investigated by MPs.

Amid widespread criticism of ACE's investment plans for 2023-26, the Department for Digital Media and Sport Select Committee said it will hold an evidence session with the organisation's Chief Executive Darren Henley on 8 December for "some context" on the funding decisions, and to "discuss its future strategy".

As part of the funding decisions announced by ACE on 4 November, arts organisations including English National Opera, Donmar Warehouse, Oldham Coliseum, Hampstead Theatre, The Watermill, The Gate and Regional Theatre Young Director Scheme have been removed from the portfolio entirely. 

Last week during a parlimentary debate Labour MP Kevin Brennan, a member of the DCMS Select Committee, described the withdrawal of funding as "savage and sudden cuts", adding that it was "no way to do business". 

At the same debate MPs including Conservative Bob Neill, who chairs the All Party Parliamentary Group on Opera, and former Labour Deputy Leader Harriet Harman called for government intervention on the investment plans.

There have also been protests against the decisions by arts workers, organised by performers' union Equity, outside the offices of ACE and DCMS.

ACE Chief Executive Darren Henley has previously indicated that he has no intention of amending the settlement.
