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An arts charity that helps people with mental health support needs has received a financial boost from London's biggest independent charity funder.

Lewisham-based Arts Network has been awarded a £91,266 grant from City Bridge Foundation. The money will help it deliver more arts workshops covering areas such as painting, crafts and photography.

The charity also provides studio space for those who wish to develop their creative skills.

City Bridge Foundation chairman, Giles Shilson, said he was “really pleased to be able to help Arts Network to build on the great work they’ve been delivering since the 1990s to support people to boost their mental health, confidence and self-esteem through art”.

He added: “Getting creative and producing art can have a profound effect in helping people recover from even quite severe mental health conditions."

Arts Network CEO, Kate Price, explained: “When people first come to us it can be a big change for them, particularly if they’re coming from a clinical setting, so we work really hard to make it a safe and welcoming space.

“Doing something creative – especially using your hands and doing something tactile – is great for taking you out of the space you’re in and transporting your mind somewhere else."

People are usually referred to Arts Network via a mental health practitioner, but they can also self refer to take part in more informal sessions.