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Young people’s music charity Youth Music has announced a ninth funding round of its NextGen fund.

The fund is designed to help emerging artists and professionals develop the skills needed to participate in the music industry and to equalise access to the music industry for young creatives. 

Grants of up to £2,500 are available for 18- —to 25-year-olds, but applicants can be up to 30 if they are d/Deaf, disabled, or neurodivergent. Youth Music says it is encouraging applications from the North East, East of England, East Midlands, and Northern Ireland, in particular.

While performers are welcome to apply, the fund is also available to producers, A&Rs, managers, and agents, as well as roles in the music industry that may not yet have been defined.

To date, the fund has invested nearly £650,000 in 276 early-stage musicians and emerging music industry creatives.

Applications for the ninth round are now open and will close on 28 June, with notification given in September. Further details on Youth Music’s website.

A tenth round is scheduled to open later this year, with an application deadline of 15 November.