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West Northamptonshire Council has awarded £45k to 15 voluntary and community sector organisations in the region.

The council said the funding will "expand and enhance the arts and culture offering in West Northants".

Grants of up to £5,000 have been awarded to a range of projects which the council believes address "an identified local need" while also supporting, enabling or facilitating "the achievement of one or more of the council's strategic aims, objectives or priorities".

The funded projects include Rockin' Roadrunner, a free annual community-based festival for people with disabilities, and Performing Room, a community arts development programme designed to help people express themselves through music and the creative arts.

Also funded is Accent Percussion, a community percussion group using drumming workshops to improve physical and mental health. 

Councillor Daniel Lister, Cabinet Member for Local Economy, Culture and Leisure, said the funded projects "are not only enriching our cultural landscape but are also making a real difference in people's lives, particularly among our most vulnerable residents".

He added: "By promoting inclusivity, creativity, and wellbeing, these initiatives are helping to strengthen our communities and attract more people to experience the unique culture our area has to offer."