Scottish theatre company launches programme for disabled people
A Scottish theatre company has launched a new initiative to help disabled people get involved with performing arts.
Cutting Edge Theatre, based in Edinburgh, has received funding from the ScottishPower Foundation for its Inspire Disability Arts programme.
The theatre company said the programme will establish a clear pathway into theatre for those of primary school age all the way to professional training and employment.
Suzanne Lofthus, artistic director at Cutting Edge Theatre, said: “It’s about offering equal access to the performing arts. I was able to do drama at school and then join a youth theatre.
“People with disabilities should have the same access I had, whether they want to pursue a career in theatre or just take a class for fun.
“When I started to look to see where in Scotland learning-disabled people could train in performing arts in a supported environment with their peers, the answer is almost nowhere.
“This award from the ScottishPower Foundation means we can start to change that.”