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The operators of Beck Theatre in Hayes have said the venue's future is uncertain due to a breakdown in contract negotiations with London Borough of Hillingdon Council (LBH).

Trafalgar Theatres, which has operated the council-owned 600-seat venue for over 15 years, has revealed plans to "begin exit preparations" in January 2025.

In an agreement that expired in July 2022, Trafalgar Theatres pays no rent to use the building as LBH subsidises the cost.

After agreeing to a temporary two-year extension, Trafalgar and the council have been negotiating terms of a new contract as the council expressed a wish to "seek new operating arrangements" and stop subsidising a "privately owned commercial entity."

Trafalgar says it proposed a three-year trial arrangement to determine whether running the venue without subsidy would be viable. However, it asked that the council bear the cost of building repairs, giving a deadline of 13 September for a response.

"Despite us meeting with them in August and contacting them again ahead of the deadline, LBH did not respond in time," said Trafalfgar.

"When LBH did respond, their ‘final position’ was for a period of nine months, and they also sought to limit their responsibilities for the physical fabric of the theatre.

"The effect of this would have been to transfer asset liabilities onto us, which, given the removal of any financial support, we found unreasonable.

"We also felt that a period of nine months was far too short for us to trial the new arrangement. As a result, we confirmed our intention to begin exit preparations at the end of our current contract."