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The V&A has completed a move of over 250,000 objects, 350,000 library books and nearly 1,000 archives into a new purpose-built home.

The V&A East Storehouse is a 16,000m2 space located at Stratford’s Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

Billed as the first storehouse of its kind in the UK, it will open to the public next year, providing public access to collections through self-guided tours.

V&A says the move has been five years in the making, representing its largest since World War II.

“The completion of this monumental move, which has been years in the planning, marshalling expertise from across the V&A, represents a huge milestone in our mission to radically transform access and remove barriers between the public and their national collections,” said Tim Reeve, the V&A’s Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer.
