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A 200-year-old art gallery and studio space in Worthing has been awarded around £500,000 to become more accessible and sustainable.

The planned renovation of the Colannade Building will run from mid-2025 to spring 2026 and include roof repairs, a new accessible entrance, solar panels, triple glazing and heat pumps.

The project has received more than £460,000 from Arts Council England and a further £40,000 from Worthing Borough Council.

Originally a library and post office dating from the early 1800s, the Colonnade became a creative hub in 2014 after receiving funding from coastal communities. It features two gallery spaces and 10 occupied studios.

Hazel Edwards, Regional Director for Arts Council England, said: “By enhancing the infrastructure of cultural spaces across the region, we are expanding access to arts, culture, and creative pursuits.

"We are also supporting cultural organisations in becoming more inclusive, reducing their carbon footprint, and enhancing their digital capabilities."