2 min read



AD:uk is one of the largest national charities representing the interests of those working in arts development for local communities. Present membership represents almost 400 individuals, organisations and local authorities working in the arts and communities sector. 
Our offer enables our members to face those changes and emerge stronger, more capable and more confident in their abilities, including:
Professional development
·        Development of skills and professional competencies
·        Structured Induction & Buddying programmes
·        A Professional Fellowship Programme available to all members
·        A new Skills and Knowledge Bank, with opportunities for skills and knowledge exchange
·        Regional Groups, which offer support, study visits, information and skills exchange
·        Opportunities to gain valuable management experience
·        A major annual conference and national seminar programme
Information & knowledge resources
A growing range of IT based information and knowledge resources including our web-site with a wide variety of information resources; regular E-zine with headline news & briefing notes; Twitter and Facebook feeds and on-line forums to exchange news and views
For further information, please contact: Arts Development UK Administrator,Oak Villa, Lower Brynamman, Ammanford, Wales SA18 1SN or Tel/Fax: 01269 824728, email or visit